Thursday, November 17, 2011

IED Thesis: BMW 2015 Concept

The final projects of the Transportation Design students at Turin-based IED (istituto Europeo di Design), developed in partnership with BMW with the goal of creating a car for 2015 interpreting the language evolution and the brand’s philosophy.
(cover image: BMW ZX-6 Concept by Jai Ho Yoo and Lukas Vanek)
The third year  students of the post-high Transportation Design School – Car Design Course (academic Year 2007-2008) at the Istituto Europeo di Design of Turin were faced with a challenge launched in partnership with BMW.
BMW ZX-6 ConceptBMW ZX-6 Concept by Jai Ho Yoo and Lukas Vanek
The thesis brief was "Designing the BMW of 2015, interpreting the language evolution and the trademark essence, in view of the company’s future perspectives".
The 8 final 1:4 scale models will be displayed at the Istituto Europeo di Design, in Via S. Quintino 39, Turin, within the “Apriti IED” event, until the end of September 2008 (visiting hours: 09:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 18:00). Admission is free.

Projects development

During the first phase of the project students were involved in the research of a product and a styleprojected towards the future, for their subsequent application to actual scenarios of a close tomorrow.
BMW Vela ConceptBMW Vela Concept by Andrea CoronaAlex Mastinu and Yim Sumi
Initially, students’ concept work focused on individuating wishes, needs, tastes and life style of an individual (man or woman) meant to turn 35 years old in 2025.
As to shapes development, they were asked to find an inspiration source looking both into natural elements like the sun, the sea, the wind or the earth and in forms of expression such as music, painting or arts in general.
For the second phase of the project, young car designers had to use the project essence and formal language individuated in the previous stage to develop both the interior and exterior of an actual car suitable to fit in an hypothetical 2015 life context and able to generate emotions while also identifying the BMW profile.
The 35 students involved were subdivided into 18 teams, all coordinated by Fulvio Fantolino, Coordinator of the Transportation Design – car design Course and owner of F&F Design Studio.
BMW ZX-6 ConceptStudents were also followed throughout the internal stages of project development by a BMW Commission including Thomas PlathDirector Model Techniques and Process Management, and Anders Warming,BMW Exterior Design Director, under the supervision of Chris Bangle,Chief of Design for BMW Group.
The proposals elaborated by all student teams were later evaluated with the selection of 12, out of which 8 were developed in 1:4 models, in collaboration with Cecomp, and the remaining 4 turned into virtual models.
“Working with BMW following the concept requirements and quality standards of their trademark has always been a goal and an excellence milestone aimed at by the Istituto Europeo di Design of Turin – statesCésar MendozaIED Turin Director.
"Achieving such objective is a huge satisfaction for both the School and our students and we are delighted to share the results of all our efforts with all car-lovers”.
Projects particularly appreciated by the commission included: “Africa. decompose concept.” by Raphael Laurent and Mihaï Panaîtescu and “Snug” by David Raffai, Kevin Schlaepfer, Andrea Torchia and Alberto Usai.
BMW Vela Concept - 1:4 scale modelBMW Africa Concept - 1:4 scale model
1:4 scale models: BMW Vela (left) and Africa (right)

AFRICA – decompose Concept

BMW Africa Concept - Design sketchAuthors: Raphael Laurent and Mihai Panaitescu

Project Concept

Taking inspiration from African lifestyletradition andart; searching for unique ways of thinking, different from modern ones and creating culture design.
Designing a car for future Africans gives the possibility to rethink vehicles that really fit their owners, through aesthetics, mentality and way of use.
The vehicle deconstructs itself in order to fit different daily needs. The design language is developed as to facilitate the concept, taking in account the African culture and artistic expression. 
BMW Africa Concept - Design sketchBMW Africa Concept - Design sketch

SNUG Concept

BMW SNUG ConceptAuthors: David RaffaiKevin SchlaepferAndrea Torchia and Alberto Usai

Project Concept:

"In the future metropolis, which will be more and more chaotic, confusing, grey and polluted, we risk becoming automatons, slaves to money and personal success: not accepting the intrinsic naturalism of the human being; ready, instead, for selection and competition, forgetting about individual diversity and the respect of pure ideas, which separate us from cold, mechanic industrialization.
"Escape, via art, from the objective conception of things, choosing instead authentic, non-contaminated expression."
SNUG is a concept which aims to create a sense of community: a simple, fun object, designed for people who appreciate personal relationships, people who are different from the others, in their opinions and in their feelings.
BMW SNUG ConceptBMW SNUG Concept
This multiplicity of emotions gives birth to an intention of self-expression able to make wellbeing and happiness blossom, trying to recover the values which are otherwise slowly vanishing in our world.
(Source: IED)

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